As a firm focused on supporting smaller charities, partnering with them was an easy decision, and this partnership began in 2017 and continued until their closure in March 2022.

We provided ad hoc advice to their team of advisors and also supported, and continue to support, many of their clients, including offering a 25% discount on our standard services for Small Charities Coalition members.

Most importantly, we ran pro bono training sessions for them on a variety of topics, including financial governance for trustees and an introduction to charity finance for beginners.

Participants still paid a small fee to the Small Charities Coalition to cover venue and administration costs, but we do not receive any of it. 

We loved these days as they provided a real insight into the challenges our clients are facing, and we met many of our current clients through these sessions.

“Andy is excellent in delivery and tremendously knowledgeable, you can’t go wrong if he is delivering the training.”